Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Is There A "Method" To This Madness?

We are off and running on a new learning and technology journey, this one titled General Methods of Teaching. Sounds innocuous enough, nothing frightening in the name, no reason to worry or panic...right? Of course not. This is only just the most important teaching course we will take in this graduate program...not to mention the technology components. No sweat. I can do this. I'm intelligent, I'm a teacher, I'm a grown up,...I want my mommy!!! Just kidding! Of course last semester, at this time, during the start of Teaching with Technology, I was in a fetal position for the first 2 weeks. I kid you not, I was probably the most computer illiterate student to ever take that course, but take it I did and I did not die, crack up, or lose my hair. There were moments when I thought I might do any of these but I didn't. I made it through and I have never been prouder of any accomplishment. I didn't just survive, I thrived! Here, if you don't believe me, take a look at my TwT web site. This is from a person who started the course not even knowing how to change font colors in word!

I still can't believe I did all that and, yet, I still consider myself a complete computer novice. But, I'm no longer afraid of the computer. Rather, I'm entranced. I've hit just about every button and clicked on countless links, tabs, etc. and guess what? My computer didn't blow up! Neither will yours!
You may be asking yourself, "But, why does this course have to be so confusing, overwhelming, so seemingly impossible? Is there a method to Dr. Smirnova's madness?" I asked myself those questions throughout TwT and by the end of the course I came to the conclusion that yes, there is a method to the madness and it is this...
When we begin teaching there will be no one to hold our hands and smooth the way. It will be confusing, overwhelming, and seemingly impossible (are you seeing where I'm going with this??). It will be, very simply, sink or swim. The thought of this used to terrify me. Not any more. After indoctrination by Dr. S., I feel like I can handle anything. I have learned to trust my instincts, stop being so fearful, reach out to others, and just do it--whatever "it" may be. This has been the most valuable aspect of my entire graduate education. So that, my friends, is my theory on Dr. S. and her courses. Let me know what you think!
Until next time...

1 comment:

Dr. Smirnova said...

Dear Kerry,

I am very proud of you and your progress in using technology to enhance learning and teaching. I am very touched by your insightful comments regarding my teaching. You got it right!

All the best!