Monday, October 22, 2007

SIM-The Simply Irresistible Model!


The Social Interactive Model (SIM) is my model! I love it, I do it intuitively, I simply respond to it and, as my blog title indicates, I find it irresistible--as do students. It's a win win model! Take a look at this site that Dr. S. provided for the SIM. Bookmark's an excellent, easy to follow resource on cooperative learning strategies and techniques:

I have used many of these strategies and techniques without even knowing what they were! This type of learning not only makes sense, it works! And, you may have noticed after reviewing this link, that Dr. S. has used a number of these strategies right in our class! On another one of the SIM links posted by Dr. S., I found this gem on cooperative learning (CL) and math. Having written of my early math phobia and my later in life discovery of and love for this subject, I was thrilled to read this posting. Having experienced CL in math, firsthand, during my Math for Elementary Education class, I can personally attest to its efficacy.The boldface represents what I feel to be especially important information and the red font is my comments!

CL IS ESPECIALLY BENEFICIAL IN MATHEMATICS COURSES. Davidson (1990) points out the following benefits of CL as they apply to mathematics. Math problems can often be solved by several different approaches (Remember when I mentioned, in an earlier blog, the profound impact this very statement had on me when my Math for Elem. Ed. teacher said it in my first class? Here it is again, which means it's important and should be said to ALL students--so, make sure you say it to yours-I know I will to mine!). Students in groups can discuss the merits of different proposed solutions and perhaps learn several strategies for solving the same problem. Students in groups can help one another master basic facts and necessary computational procedures. These can often be dealt with in the context of the more exciting aspects of mathematics learning through games, puzzles or discussion of meaningful problems. The field of mathematics is filled with exciting and challenging ideas that merit discussion. One learns by talking, listening, explaining, and thinking with others, as well as by oneself. Mathematics offers many opportunities for creative thinking, for exploring open-ended situations, for making conjectures and testing them with data, for imposing intriguing problems and for solving non-routine problems. (This is so true. Take it from the late math bloomer--making math creative, and keeping in mind the aforementioned different approaches philosophy, are the best ways to reach math strugglers). Small groups provide a social support mechanism for the learning of mathematics and an opportunity for success for all students in mathematics (and in general). Unlike many other types of problems in life, school mathematics problems can actually be solved in reasonable lengths of time, such as a class period. (Think about it--it's absolutely true!) Mathematics problems are ideally suited for group discussion in that they have solutions that can be objectively demonstrated, Students can persuade one another by the logic of their arguments.
Johnson and Johnson (1990) identify the following attitudinal objectives of CL in mathematics. 1. Positive attitudes toward math, 2. Confidence in one's ability to reason mathematically. 3. Willingness to try various strategies and risk being wrong. 4. Ability to accept frustrations that come from not knowing and willingness to persevere when solutions are not immediate. 5. Attributing failure to not using the right strategy yet, rather than to not being competent. (I agree with these outcomes to a degree--as long as you are aware that they are heavily dependent upon the makeup of the groups. Always have a mix of abilities so that one student is not left feeling like the village idiot among all the savants! Also, while CL is beneficial in math, so is individual exploration. The teacher's attitude toward different methods of learning and encouragement of such differences is paramount to success).
They conclude that "Confidence in one's ability to reason mathematically is considered prerequisite for learning. Once lost, it is difficult to restore." (I am living proof of the truth of this statement! This is why I will move heaven and earth to make sure what happened to me does not happen to my students. I don't want them discovering math at age 45 as I did! I want them to discover it now, without fear, and with the belief that they can "get it" somehow, someway!).

Another excellent SIM site provided by Dr. S. is the one by Susan Ledlow from the Center for Learning and Teaching Excellence at Arizona State University. I love the way this woman thinks and writes. She makes everything sound doable and provides sound advice and instructions for helping teachers implement CL in the classroom. Don't believe me? Take a look at the site (click on the left side links for specific information-every one is a fantastic resource). You'll be using one of these methods by tomorrow!

I did a power point presentation for our assignment on showing our understanding of the SIM. It focuses on teaching students cooperative learning skills before requiring them to do it. This relates back to a prior blog where I vented on this topic concerning web quests. How can we expect young children to work together, cooperatively, when they haven't been given the knowledge, tools, and practice? Hopefully, my power point presses this point further, and gives others ideas for teaching the topic of CL just as they would any curriculum area. In fact, in keeping with my commitment to teach CL to my students, I have decided to just that--write my SIM LP on cooperative learning! This lesson would follow a series of mini lessons on different aspects of CL, such as active listening, participation guidelines, respect for others, responsibility, etc. I am thinking of creating my lesson with the goal of having my students work, cooperatively, to design a CL rubric that they will use to evaluate themselves and each other for CL projects throughout the school year. I would use it, as well. How cool is that? How more fair could a rubric be than one designed by and for students? I'll keep you posted as I begin to develop the LP!

Until next time...

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